What is a Helicopter Golf Ball Drop?

Every $10 donation we get is assigned to a numbered golf ball, and a helicopter will drop all of the numbered balls at a target hole. The ball that falls into the hole first (or is closest to the hole) will win!  California law requires that we offer a free method of entry, so if you don't want to support our foundation and help save lives, you can enter for free here: Click here

Simply scroll down and choose your donation level and you'll be automatically entered into the helicopter golf ball drop and be automatically entered to win!

Helicopter Golf Ball Drop

$10 - 1 ball - Par Player

$20 - 2 balls - Birdie Shooter

$50 - 5 balls - Screaming Eagle

$100 - 10 balls - Hole-in-One Pro

Custom amount (multiples of $10)

0 %

Thanks to our sponsors